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Ethan shook his head in disappointment. "I'll see you both in the dungeons in two hours. Because I'm nice enough to allow you the opportunity to let your peers know that Gryffindor house will not have either prefect available to them for as long as it takes for the two of you to learn some respect. If either of you say another word, I'll have to take more points. 5 points per word I think ought to do it. So anything to say? No?"
Well now THAT wasn't supposed to be the ending to Anna and Cale's little brief walk on the dangerous side of life. Anna had always gotten away with
everything, including flirting with the man who'd just sentenced her to a detention! In her fourth year, Anna had casted
Glisseo on the Gryffindor house table, causing it to transform itself into a slide. Afterwards, she'd jumped on the high end of it and slid all the way down. Had she gotten into trouble for that? Nope! Not even the first point had been lost! A few weeks ago, Anna had assisted a group of troublemakers in icing down an entire corridor, just waiting for someone to come by and slip and slide their way through the school. Had she gotten into any trouble for that either? Nope! None at all! Suddenly, her luck was changing. She was...was...was...
in detention.
Holy Merlin!
This was not good.
This was so not good!
Not only that, she couldn't even talk or she'd lose five points per word! Her eyes threatening to spill over in tears, Anna nodded to the professor, indicating that she understood that enough was enough, and she'd now pay for it. She'd have to report to the dungeons in two hours...forfeiting any house points she could have earned by attending any classes that would be held during that time span.