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Cope pulled himself up on the fence to watch the Abraxans and nearly got bowled over when a gust of air from their wings headed his way. Whoa! When had all this happened? He'd been so self-involved in visiting his Abraxan lately, and he'd missed that the foal was no longer... a foal.
"I think we should ask Professor Morgan if we can start mixing the mash with single malt whisky. They're so big already, and it might be nice to see if they'll take the drink now that we've developed their palate." He slid off the fence for fear of being knocked off.
"Good idea." Celandine agreed, gripping hold on to the fence tightly with her free hand and closing her eyes at the strength of the downdraft. She stared at the abraxans for a moment before starting a sketch of the two of them, stopping to look up at Copernicus after a moment and giving him a little grin before continuing. "Want to swap notes later? See if either of us are missing anything?"