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Old 03-27-2009, 10:42 AM   #235 (permalink)
SS Vaulter
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Playing God <3
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Right, I know I haven't posted in aggggges... I am sorry about that... I have something to tell you as well...

Jamie asked me out! AHHHH! We've been together for 2 weeks now and that's why I haven't been posting sooner... I've been out...

And now...

Chapter 39

Hermione put the book down on the arm of the sofa as Harry and Ron walked down the stairs, carrying boxes of decorations.

''Has anyone seen Ginny?'' Harry asked as he set down a small pile of boxes in front of Hermione. She shook her head as she started rumaging down them.

''Last time I saw her she was helping Luna move her stuff back to Ravenclaw Tower...'' She said, pulling out a large tablecloth which she set over the tables at the back of the room.

''Maybe their getting ready?'' Ron said as he unfolded the banner Dean had made earlier. 'Welcome home Alicia and Jamie' flashed brightly across it as he levitated it up over the fireplace.

''Maybe...'' Harry said but he didn't stop checking his watch.

A few hours later, the common room was finished and everything ready. Hermione and Ron had brought up food and drink from the kitchens while Harry sat and waited for Ginny and Luna. When the portrait door opened and Luna walked through, he jumped up.

''Have you seen Ginny anywhere?'' They both said together.

''No, I thought she was with you?'' Harry said as lUna sat down.

''No... She helped me move back and then she was supposed to come up here...'' Luna said as she tapped her fingers against Hermione's book.

Ron walked downstairs with Hermione carrying the last of the presents that had been owled that morning.

''5 minutes'' Hermione said as she rocked on her heels slightly.

''She can probablly hear us now...'' Luna said, her voice distracted. Ron glanced at Harry as his face slipped into a smile.

Then voices could be heard outside the door.


Alicia and Jamie apparated outside the winged gates and Alicia stepped forwards impatiently.

''Wait, will you? You know there's a party... Just calm down...'' Jamie said, grabbing her arm and pulling her back.

''Somethings wrong though... I just know it'' She said, twisting out of his grip and running forwards. Jamie sighed and run after her.

Alicia threw the doors open and fell slightly stepping into the Entrance hall. Jamie grabbed her hand.

''Alicia, calm down... You've just come back off your hooneymoon... You're not supposed to know whats going on here...''

''Yeah, but I do and I don't like it!'' She yanked her hand away and hurried up the stairs.

Jamie caught up with her outside the common room. The fat Lady started to speak but Alicia ignored her.

''Jamie, please... Somethings wrong and you know there is... Something weirds been happening for a few weeks now...'' She said as he caught her shoulder and turned her round.

''I know that... We'll sort that out later... But for now can you please just relax...''

The door opened and Hermione's coonfused face appeared behind them.

''Are you okay?'' She asked and Alicia smiled at her.

''Of course... Just excited to be back... I missed you all'' Her voice was believable but her eyes gave away her worry.

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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