Biting his lip a little, Jake filled out his permission slip, not paying all that much attention and getting his name all mixed up so that he had to cross it out a few times. He finally got it right and went up to the front to give it in, slipping his wand out of his pocket. Jake felt wary of handing his wand over to Professor Morgan, he needed that thing... and Professor Morgan had STOLEN it from him once already.
Originally Posted by The Slip of Permission
I, Jac Jx Jacob Jakerss Dale Blackleh Blecklee Blackly-Upsteade understand that I will be obliged to abide by the Care of Magical Creatures Rules while participating in this lesson. I hereby agree to follow all instructions given by Professor Morgan, at once and without question. Failure to do so will result in my immediate dismissal from the class (deletion of members' posts) and/or loss of points.
Signed: Jacob Jakers Dale Blackly Upstead
House: Hooflepoofle Hufflepuff
Year: First