Originally Posted by Permission Slip
I, Freya Skyler-Lorenssith understand that I will be obliged to abide by the Care of Magical Creatures Rules while participating in this lesson. I hereby agree to follow all instructions given by Professor Morgan, at once and without question. Failure to do so will result in my immediate dismissal from the class (deletion of members' posts) and/or loss of points.
Signed: Freya Skyler-Lorenssith
House: Slytherin
Year: Seventh
Freya entered the class and promptly signed the permission form. It was now a fact, Freya + Possible Danger = Fun, though without a wand she felt slightly defenseless. Oh well, brute force always seemed to work to her benefit anyway.
She walked up after signing her slip and handed it over to Professor Morgan, along with her precious cherry wand. Afterwards, Freya returned to her seat and waited, spotting Joanne a few seconds later and gave her a small wave.