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Old 03-26-2009, 02:31 PM   #37 (permalink)

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Rowan Fairfax
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ezra Greenwood
Fifth Year
Default Cobblehead. baha!
Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science!

Originally Posted by Becky View Post
Rebecca nodded "Yep, don't worry about it" she smiled "Oh, I'm on the research comittee" Rebecca told him "You?" she asked, she watched Nathan shake Brian's hand, she beamed happily and then frowned as Nathan seemed to become nervous, she looked over at Brian feeling confused.
“Now that sounds interesting.” Nathan replied enthusiastically. “So what is it you do exactly? Gauge public opinion.. that sort of thing?” He asked with realy interest. Now THAT would Nathan's kind of job. Talking to people and socialising for a good cause? Nate would just set up home in the Leaky Cauldron and talk to anyone who happened to cross his path. You got people from all walks of life in that place. It was a perfect place to get people's opinions and thought across the board.

Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou View Post
Ben leaned his tall frame against his desk and tapped his finger on his chin. Enrico and the other Daily Prophet employee, Nathan Greenwood, if he remembered correctly, both seemed a little more than hesitant about bringing the flyer to the newspaper. Sure, there were a few intimidating employees there--umm, HELLO, Mona Quigley worked there and that woman was SCARY--but what about freedom of the press?

"Since there is obviously something preventing you from wanting to bring these flyers to the press, please spill and let me know what it is," Ben said, blue eyes staring down on Nathan and Enrico. "I'll be willing to go to the Prophet and try to get them passed myself if no one else is willing to," he added. Mona Quigley didn't scare him THAT much. In fact, he was pretty positive that he just got on her nerves, although her reactions to his lovely origami figures might have changed no that she was a big boss lady over at that paper.
Ack! When Nathan came here he thought this was voluntary work. He didn't think his actual place of work would come into play here. “Urm..” He started. Maybe they could sneak the ad into the paper when the bosses weren't watching. They were the Layout team after all. They were the last people to see the paper before it went to press. “It's just, you know, work and politics should never mix. It would be better coming from a neutral source and not actual Daily Prophet employees.” He said trying to sound confident in his own words. He looked at Rico... at least he had a ally here... and then back at Ben.

Originally Posted by lemondrop13 View Post
Reagan had been only one block from her campaign headquarters when an origami swan flew right into her forehead. Rubbing the area with one hand, Reagan continued her walk toward the door with swan in the other hand. Before opening the door, she stood outside to read the memo, which coincidentally enough requested her presence at headquarters. Ahhh, already she and her team were so in sync!

Attempting to refold the swan manually and giving up after failing miserably, Reagan stuffed the memo into her briefcase and opened the door to her campaign's headquarters. With a smile and soft laughter, she announced, "Look at all you busy worker bees!"
Ah.. saved by the almighty leader. Wondering whether he was supposed to bow or something, he looked around at his fellow campaigners and realised that that would just be stoopid. Instead he smiled warmly at Reagan. Busy worker bees? More like skiving off work to be here bees.

Originally Posted by mathi View Post
Brian shook his hand to Nathan the another Daily Prohet employee. He seemed more calmer than the other guy Enrico. "Nice to meet you Mr. Nathan, " he spoke to him, "I hope you can help us with this caricatures. You see I'm not familiar with that..not even one percent." He smiled at him before teasing Becca.
Caricatures? Of Getti and Mona? Oh gawd. “They're alright.” He shrugged. “They're just a little...” Scary? Mean? Evil? Run their office like it were a dictatorship? “...controlling.” He said choosing the word carefully.

He listened to Rico's advice and chuckled. A flask of firewhiskey? Rico, it seemed, was a man after Nathan's own heart.
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