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Old 03-26-2009, 01:48 PM
Liisa Liisa is offline
Default CoMC Lesson 3 :: Preparation

As you make your way down the sloping lawn towards today's Care of Magical Creatures lesson, you see sturdy wooden benches lined up in 3 rows. In front of the benches, Professor Morgan sits upon her small, wooden stool next to a tall blackboard. As you get closer you can see a notice has been scribbled on it.

"Hello class, take a seat please," she said not rising herself. "You will see that I have placed a blank permission slip on each of your seats. Please fill it out promptly and then bring it to me, along with your wands. Today's lesson involves dangerous creatures and proper safety precautions have to be followed."

Originally Posted by Permission Slip
I, _______________ understand that I will be obliged to abide by the Care of Magical Creatures Rules while participating in this lesson. I hereby agree to follow all instructions given by Professor Morgan, at once and without question. Failure to do so will result in my immediate dismissal from the class (deletion of members' posts) and/or loss of points.

Signed: _____________________
House: _____________________
Year: ______________________

OOC: Your character MUST RP in this thread before attending CoMC - Lesson 3. NO chatting is allowed. This thread is merely for the collection of wands and permission slips.