♥ Honeybee's puppy I B&B forever ♥
Brian shook his hand to Nathan the another Daily Prohet employee. He seemed more calmer than the other guy Enrico. "Nice to meet you Mr. Nathan, " he spoke to him, "I hope you can help us with this caricatures. You see I'm not familiar with that..not even one percent." He smiled at him before teasing Becca.
"Mhm, then you should wear a invisibility cloak or something..for keeping me focus on the Work," he smirked and laughed mildly only to hear Becca, not giving any inconvenience to others. She was so refreshing. Seeing her itself a great pleasure for him.
Ben's voice brought him back to earth again. "No..no Ben, since you have lotta works in hand, I'm all willing to go and deal this Daily Prophet issue..postively, I hope. After all what's the harm in it to give a shot?. " he said, staying positive on that issue. Actually he was so excited to see them after all the hypes. Meanwhile Ben was sending a message to Reagan as per he suggested. He smiled at Ben, "She'll be here soon, I know her.." he said, shifting his position and talked to Ben again, "Well..Ben, we do need a sign too. A star or eagle or something like that.." he had some ideas about the signs in his mind already but he decided to give a chance to others to voice their views and ideas.
Gah! This's guys is never going to give up with this funny name. Brian shook his head as the prophet guy called him Bri. It sounds like a brand of cookie of something. Sigh. Brian coughed, decided to play along with him as he raised his brow at him, "Honestly, I cant wait to see them in person Enri.." he ran his hand through his hair, unaware of making it more messier that it was.
And he grinned as he complimented him. "Well, sometime..my brain works overtime.." he said casually with a mild laugh, his hands went over the head to stretch up.
It was her. He knew her voice. And yes he was right, hundred percent. He waved as Reagan entered the room, "Hi Rea.." he stopped, "Ms. Reagan," he addressed her differently. Ofcourse he had worked with her a while back but now she was contesting for the minister and they were standing in the room full of people. "Then we can call you our Queen bee, right?" he asked with a smile.
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