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Old 03-24-2009, 04:14 PM   #29 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou View Post
Ben blinked at the new recruiter and ran his finger down the list of names on his desk. Definitely a new volunteer indeed...she must have been REALLY new as she wasn't even on his list. "Well, Julia, so nice to meet you!" he said with a grin, standing up and playfully kicking Bella in the shin as he stood up. THAT was what she got for nearly making him throw up by spinning in a few minutes ago. "Unfortunately it seems your name isn't listed under any of the committees yet, but that will be fixed shortly. Just sit tight and join in the planning and I'll be able to get you assigned soon," he told her with a nodd.

ooc: You posted before I got a chance to sort you so you aren't assigned to a committee yet. You should be assigned by the end of the night but in the meantime just throw any ideas you have out there!

He then turned back to the lively dicussion that was going on right now, grinning in delight at all the fabulous posters Brian had already fashioned. "Holy Merlin, Brian, those are fantastic!" he said with a chuckle, picking up the nearest banner and observing it with interest. "Excellent work! You've clearly got everything under control already," he added with a sly grin.

He then turned his attention back to all the volunteers that were gathered in the office. WOW! He had never expected this many people to turn out for this. "Well everyone, let me start off by introducing myself...I'm Ben Cobblesten, and I'll be managing this campaign for Miss Taylor. It's quite obvious that we're all here for the same common goal--to get Cooper out of office and establish a new order in the Ministry. Things have been completely out of wack for FAR too long and it's time to make a change!" he said, his voice rising as he spoke. "Anyways we have a lot of things to do, and I think the first thing we need to determine is how we're going to get our message across. What is Reagan willing to offer that others aren't? What are people in the Ministry looking for in their Minister? How can we use propaganda to promote her and her ideas?"

He looked around the room for a second, feeling taller than usual now that he was standing and everyone else was still sitting. "I'm opening the floor to any suggestions," he said with a grin.

He also cast a glance at the Daily Prophet employee--Enrico, he was pretty sure his name was, and wrinkled a blond brow at his hesitance to go to the Prophet. Didn't he WORK there? "Is there a problem Mr. Serio?" he asked.
Rebecca smiled over at Ben as he addressed the situation with the DP worker, she would have done that herself, but she didn't think she was the right person to.

Originally Posted by Amelie View Post
“You did?” Nathan's large childlike eyes widened further. “I can't thank you enough for that, love.” He said genuinely grateful. Egypt had been looked after very well by her fellow ministry workers. He knew Samantha had helped but was unsure who else had been present. He just wished he could have been with her during that time. He had been with her at the hospital but she needed him then.

He nodded. “Yeah. I'm a little nervous I must admit. I've never done anything like this before. What are you working on?” He asked conversationally.

As Rico gestured at him, Nathan nodded politely at the man – Brian? And extended his hand in greeting. “Nathan Greenwood. Pleased to meet you.” He said warmly.

He continued to study the posters listening to the banter between Rico and Brian. It seem Enrico was one step ahead of the game here. It hadn't even occurred to Nathan that the current Minister's wife was their big bad boss – he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer was Nathan. Even more to the point, was the fact that they would need to go through Getti and/or Mona about getting the ad in the paper in the first place! He gulped at the mere thought of this. “My colleague here has a point.” Nathan chipped in, his eyes filling with genuine dread and fear at the prospect. “Surely this would be better coming from the person in charge – er, you know... you?” He scratched the back of his head nervously. “They're more likely to listen to someone of... of significance.” hah! Flattery will get you everywhere... maybe.
Rebecca nodded "Yep, don't worry about it" she smiled "Oh, I'm on the research comittee" Rebecca told him "You?" she asked, she watched Nathan shake Brian's hand, she beamed happily and then frowned as Nathan seemed to become nervous, she looked over at Brian feeling confused.

Originally Posted by mathi View Post
Brian nodded with a smile both at Nathan who got assigned in advertising area and Samantha a nice lady who's in charge of speech. "Oh..thank you guys, but I feel It should be much better.." he said, as he looking at the banners. Ms. Reagan Taylor looked confident in those banners. He smiled to himself before got distracted by the Prophet guy.

"Thank you Mr. Enrico. No no..I'm just fine with Brian and nobody has never ever came up with that much weird name...." He laughed, the prophet guy is funny seriously, No wonder he's working in Daily Prophet. "Um.." he scratched his chin as he looked up at him, "Can I call you Enri or just Ri for short if you allow me?" he asked casually as he gave his own laughing medicine back to him. Oh come on..two can play this game. But wait, was he unwilling to go to his boss or something afraid of the ladies?! He had no clue. But the result was nothing. He waved his hand as he was trying clarify certain things about his stand, "Well..I don't know I've that much charm to persuade them, " he chuckled, "anyway thank you for the compliment again..and..I wont mind to do that.." he said confidently.

"Minsiter's wife or not, business is business. If they do not accept it, we can play differently, " he said as he tucked his hands into the pockets. Not wanting to make the prophet guy more uneasy he asked in lighter vein, "Could you give us some hint about them atleast?" His ocean blue eyes glinted and smiled when he heard Becca's voice beside him.

There you're my girl he beamed at her, "Thanks love, " he could sense her protective and confident mood right through from her words, "It'll be my pleasure Becca. Having you by my side will get a good result," he nodded and gave her a

His attention was on Ben now totally after he said a warm "Thanks,I'll try do even better next time" he said to both Ben and the guy named Jack. "If any one could come up with some caricature it would be fine" he turned and said to both Nathan and Enrico who were also in the advertising committee. He had no idea about the two other assigned persons. Hmm..

Ben was on business now. An experienced and quite an older guy than Brian. Brian took his seat back, listening his small speech. He patiently taking his words in his mind until he finish it. "Excuse me Ben, I've an idea. when we speaking of the speech materials, I guess Ms. Reagan's presence is important here at the time of discussion at least for a while. We do need to know her thoughts before we finalise anything." He crossed his arms across his chest and continued, "It will save our time and energy. Just a thought," he suggested.
Rebecca nodded "It looks fantastic" she reassured Brian, then she smiled as he said she could go with him "Ok, as long as you focus on the work" she teased him "That's a good idea!" she nodded impressedly before looking over at Ben, wondering what he would say about it.
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