Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen "Ow," Plymouth whispered, reaching up to hold his chest with both his hands. Ow she was so mean. "I think you're too old for me anyway. I'm just not - well, let's say that I'm not the older women type anyway." Plymouth stared across at Kayla, thinking he had at least gotten her to stop pacing. "So... we should write CellBell's brother a letter. You and me. Right?"
Plymouth started the letter in his head, Dear Nico Toussaint,
Just writing to inform you of an accident that occurred at the Hufflepuff House Table a little while ago. Call it clumsiness, call it gravitational forces, or maybe a bad dose of confundus potion - but me and your and girlfriend had a moment. Just a little FYI and hope this causes no weirdness.
Your little sister's boyfriend,
P. G. Morgan |