Teal looked at Samson with a bit of a guilty look. “It would be totally illegal.” He said, looking quite worried with the situation. “Which is part of the reason why I don’t want the Auror’s there. But, in order to restore peace and prevent a war… it may be our only option. We’ll see if it actually comes to this when we get there.” He said with a final nod, stacking his folders as he prepared to conclude the meeting.
“Ok everyone, I think we are going to keep it relatively small. Everyone that is attendance here in this meeting today are obligated to meet outside Hogsmeade next this Monday at ten a.m.” Teal wrote down a few notes and picked up his things. “Please, thoroughly read over your files in the meantime, the importance of this mission is incomprehensible.” He gave a final sweeping look of room, “Well, meeting adjourned then. If you have any questions, please see me in my office.” And with that, Teal left the room. ooc: I will be PM’ing ALL of you within the next day or so about the details of the mission, so be on the look out!
__________________ Stalkee loves Stalker most, ALWAYS. Never forget <3 Pardnuhs for life! <333 G-FISH GANGSTAS HOLLAAA!! |