EEEK. He was getting glares now, but wasn`t it girly to EEK? "No,no professer I didn`t mean it that way! It is fun, I just have a fear of...." come on Barry think "Moving plants, but its fine really, carry on and I`m sure it`ll be fun" well it was true, it was very fun, just dangerous.
Oh and Barry had to copy down the runes
Eihwaz (Ihwaz)
the Yew tree. A very strong, stirdy tree that says green in even in the winter. Some of our wands are made out of Yew. The best bows were made out of Yew and only given to the strongest of men.
Algiz depicts a person with arms upraised, like someone asking for the gods to protect and defend them, it means Protection and defense.
Othila (Othala)
home, ancestral property, family and security
Water. Flowing water can heal and feed all life.
Berkana (Berkano)
Birch tree and femininity. Growth and new birth.
Thorn or Giant. In Norse mythology, the Frost Giants bore an evil son, they called Loki, god of mischief, whose sole mission in life was to torment mankind and that is what gave the other gods a purpose, to defend and protect. Thurisaz represents the sacrifice that one must make in order to make progress in life.
There he would draw it later. But truely he would have to go to and say sorry in the professers office. He was not a people person.People got offended by what he said when he didn`t even try to say it that way!