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Old 03-22-2009, 06:04 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Slytherin Fox View Post
Samantha walked into Reagan's Headquarters and looked around. Everything was looking really good, Ben had done an excellent job on getting everything set up for the campaign and she believed things were pretty much ready for the actual work to begin. She walked over to her desk, preparing to greet the new campaign volunteers who were arriving for assignment. As a few people approached, she said, "I will be working with both the Research Committee and the Speech and Message Writing Committee. Right now, I am interested in hearing any ideas and suggestions you might have for the campaign, including any catchy slogans, speech ideas, or anything of that sort. For those of you doing research, I need things we can use in the campaign, things about Reagan or that she has done that will help her in her election efforts, so research is very important, as well. So, let's begin our work, and I look forward to working with all of you."
Rebecca slid in between the desks stealthily as she followed Samantha "Heeeey, I'm with you!" she smiled as she saw that she was on research "Oh, you're heading two?" she asked "If you want me to oversee one of them, I'd be willing" she volunteered herself without hesitation.

Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou View Post
Ben, who had been asleep at his desk, jumped as the sound of someone walking into the office roused him from his sleep. His blue eyes opened in shock and his feet, which had been resting on the top of his desk, fell to the ground with a loud THUD as he was startled. "Oh, Samantha! Hi! How are you this..." he paused to yawn, running a hand through his short blond hair, "...fine morning?" he asked. Gah. He simply had just not gotten enough sleep last night. Well, there were more important issues at hand now--he was expecting volunteers to show up at any minute!

He turned his attention to the door, waiting for the volunteers to walk in. "Come on in, come on in," he said with a lazy smile as they slowly began to trickle in, "Lots of work to do and little time to do it in!"
Rebecca smiled at Ben, the same smile that had made him seem uncomfortable in Brian's office, if he reacted the same again, she'd have to apologise.

Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat View Post
Miley entered the headquarters carrying a cup of coffee in one hand and a notebook in the other. She noticed she was the only person in there besides Samantha and Ben. So, she wasn’t running late after all. That was good. “Hey guys,” she told Ben and Samantha with a smile.
Rebecca turned to smile as someone else entered "Hi, I'm Becky" she introduced herself immediately.

Then Forrester walked in, Rebecca nodded at him and turned her attention back to the girl she'd just introduced herself to.
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