Cheesy Mac After giving enough time to allow for the students' arrival, Professor Shackleton began the lesson, "Alright class, today we're going to be studying the qualities of the numbers 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, and 33. But we're going to do it in a bit more... active way. I've brought you out here to the Pitch because the weather is too nice to sit inside all day. And we can all use some fresh air while we learn.
"So, here is how this is going to work. I am going to shout out a keyword or a quality associated with a particular number from the middle of the pitch, where you will begin. You need to first figure out what number I'm referring to, but keep it to yourself. Then, you need to fly to one end of the pitch to search among a series of gemstones to find one associated with the number I originally referred to.
"Once you've picked the gemstone you think is correct, you must fly back to the middle of the pitch and present your stone to me. If correct, I will give you another keyword or quality to another number. You will then fly to the other end of the pitch and search among swatches in many colors to find one of a color associated with that number. Fly that back to me and I will determine if it is correct.
"We'll go back and forth until I think you've all grasped the knowledge well enough. So, let's all head to the middle of the pitch and get in the air. Does anyone have questions before we begin?" OOC: Here is how we'll do this - DO NOT POST THE NUMBER YOU THINK IT IS OR THE GEMSTONES/COLORS ASSOCIATED WITH IT! Once I post a quality or keyword, you will post your character going through the actions, but do not post the answers. Instead, once you've posted your character flying to the end of the pitch, getting a stone, and back to the middle, then send me a PM with your guess. I will tell you if you are correct and after I've given a decent amount of time for others to post, I will post a new quality and the process will begin again. You must have RPed your character going through the actions and have PMed me with your guess in order to receive credit. I will give points at the end of the lesson based on the number correct, the speed with which it was completed, and the quality of the RP posts.
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