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Old 03-21-2009, 12:42 AM   #236 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Former Professor Valon Kazimeriz
Kool-Aid, Oh Yeah! | | SS Mischief Maker

Originally Posted by aussiegirl View Post
Kayla raised her hand, "A boggart is a shape shifter that takes on the form of what we fear the most, so I would say that it feeds on our fears. If a person didn't fear anything then they would unlikely to be able to take shape into anything." She thought about what the other's were saying about Dementor's. "A dementor senses and feeds off a person's positive emotions and sucks the goodness out, leaving them reliving their worst memories. So they don't necessarily feed off our fear but off our positive emotions."
"An excellent point, Miss Winters. Take two extra points for your critical thinking." Kazimeriz nodded. "Dementors are more dangerous and therefore are given the highest ministry rating for a dark creature for that very reason, for who among us does not cling to their positive memories in dark times?" he glanced around the room. "And good attempt, Miss Greingoth, but a hinkypunk does not feed on emotion, but rather lures the victim into a bog where it kills them outright. However, I shall award two points to everyone who attempted to answer. As we have said, boggarts and dementors both do feed on emotion. Boggarts, as many of you have said, cannot tolerate laughter, joy, happiness-- they dislike strong positive emotions, but laughter-- the physical expression of joy or amusement-- is what they simply cannot abide, so it is your best defense. Can anyone else give an example of a creature that uses psychological energy in its attacks?"
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