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Old 03-18-2009, 10:35 PM   #47 (permalink)
Posts: n/a

A little surprised, at the sudden enterance of another professor, Liz nods at Professor Bontecou's direction.

Walking up to the front of the classroom, Liz taps the board,
Confounding (Confusing) Concoction: mild formulation

* water (500mL)
* jobberknoll feathers (2 barbs)
* leeches (juiced; 1-2)

* Bring water to a boil
* Separate the barbs from the shafts of 2 jobberknoll feathers
* Place barbs in boiling water and stir 12 times clockwise and 7 times counter-clockwise
* Boil for 30 minutes
* Add leech juice by squeezing one leech into the cauldron and stir in an unpredictable fashion
* Keep stirring until potion should thickens (within 5 minutes)
* If potion does not thicken after 10 minutes of stirring, add another leech and continue to stir unpredictably until thickened
* If potion has still not thickened after an additional 10 minutes, start another brew
then heads back to her seat.