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Old 03-18-2009, 10:12 PM   #46 (permalink)

Technical Assistance
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: The Bowels of SS
Posts: 25,873
Technically technical all the time Bookaholic

"No, they are not the same potion and the distinction is very subtle. So much so that they are practi..." he trailed off as Less burst into his room and wrapped her arms around his waist... in front of the class... in tears... He looked shocked for just a moment before taking action. His arms wrapped around her and he started shuffling them toward the door. "If you'll all excuse me for a moment... Can someone just go ahead and tap the blackboard? You can start brewing and we'll continue our discussion in a moment."

SPOILER!!: ooc: someone tap the blackboard ic and quote this (without spoiler tag) in your post
Confounding (Confusing) Concoction: mild formulation

* water (500mL)
* jobberknoll feathers (2 barbs)
* leeches (juiced; 1-2)

* Bring water to a boil
* Separate the barbs from the shafts of 2 jobberknoll feathers
* Place barbs in boiling water and stir 12 times clockwise and 7 times counter-clockwise
* Boil for 30 minutes
* Add leech juice by squeezing one leech into the cauldron and stir in an unpredictable fashion
* Keep stirring until potion should thickens (within 5 minutes)
* If potion does not thicken after 10 minutes of stirring, add another leech and continue to stir unpredictably until thickened
* If potion has still not thickened after an additional 10 minutes, start another brew

Blast from the past!
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