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Brian shook his head, "Nuuh..there are only few places i've to explore still," he admitted honestly. "Okay...now there's only one place we must go.." he ran his free hand through his hair, "Cafeteria, I'm hungry..dont you?" he asked her, noticed her different style of wand. "Can I see that Becca?" he said, as he walked down the corridor towards the Cafeteria.
Rebecca smiled "Ok..." she agreed to going to the cafeteria "I'm hungry too" she nodded and then she stopped walking "Er..." she hesitated, it would be ok, as long as she could see it, she pulled out her wand and glanced at it anxiously "Ok, but look after it" she warned him as she handed it over, she felt so vulnerable without her wand, she moved closer to Brian to keep the feeling of security present.