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HG_forever Lima wasn't understanding. 'Becaaaauuuuse! He's trying to fool me,you don't understand. You just....and...." Now there were too many thoughts running through her mind. Why couldn't people just take her side? 'Even if it is the stupid side.' That was all she wanted,one person to agree with her....in a sense. When Lima finally let go of her,she rubbed her shoulders and let out a long exasperated sigh. "Fine." That wasn't the end of it though,she wanted her to hide the truth,not so much as a lie though. "Don't you think he'll realize why I'm doing it though? I mean he knows I'm your friend." Or at least she thought he did,maybe he'd never even seen her before? She was tiny. "And once he realizes I'm your friend he'll wonder why I'm asking about you."
She blinked. But she let it drop. There was no talking sense into that girl. She just shook her head and moved on in the conversation.
"Thank you!!" she squealed, wrapping her arms around her in a hug.
"You are amazing!!" She let go and went thoughtful for a second.
"If he asks, just tell him that you are nosy. I have nothing to do with it at all." She winked. She was so happy, she was getting giddy.