Just outside of London, there are several rows of empty shops and houses. As you walk along the cobbled stone path, there seems to be a break in the buildings. Staring down wildly, you crouch down and count out the stones from the edge of the walk. Five from the edge, three across, tapping it twice with your wand. Upon standing up, a large white Victorian home has appeared from thin air it seems with a wooden sign on a stick in the front of the yard: Quote:
Official Election Headquarters
Independent Project Once inside, you find a spacious, dim-lit foyer area with an ancient looking end table holding a single potted plant. You head down the corridor where you'll reach a room that will be the main room for work, with a number of desks and filing cabinets. There are memos buzzing about every which way, indicative that this will be an exhilarating and busy election season as ever!
In the background, there appears to be the new CD from the Weird Sisters playing softly, which is barely audible over all the commotion. Don't be shy though - just hop right in there and get all the juicy details about what more needs to be done for the coming debates and Election day!
Any questions or concerns should be brought to the attention of the two Ministry employees sitting in the desks nearest the doors - with neat little plaques on each of their desks:
Sophia Anne Vivaldi
Lorraine Brothmeister
Syd Wordsmith
Elijah Wright
RESEARCH & DEBATES CHAIR OOC: You should NOT be posting in this thread unless you're a member of the Independent Campaign! If you'd like to sign up, go here or here. If you're a Diagon Alley or Daily Prophet employee, please sign up here.
Just a brief list of some general "rules" for posting in this thread:
1. Limit your chatting. Not going to so absolutely no chatting, but just reasonable it; there are plenty of places in the ministry for leisure RPing and this is not it.
2. OOC comments. If you absolutely
have to make one, then restrict it to the title area of the post only. Thanks =D
3. While myself and PharaohMan18 will be generally speaking "leading" the discussions - We strongly encourage all committee members to participate and contribute ideas. The only stupid idea ever given is the one not said
SS Rules apply, as always.