Well, I had to QQ this because this was perfectly delivered by Amanda in the Slytherin Common Room...
SPOILER!!: Amanda's "Dramatic Monologue"
"You know what I've came from and to see you have what I've been looking for, for the past 5 years was one of the hardest things I've had to deal with. I don't think the way I acted was fair, nor do I blame you for just avoiding me. Jealousy does crazy things to people as you've seen and I didn't feel bad for a while but after I apoligized to you, I honestly thought that you hated me; that's why I left after you had to talk to Lima. I didn't want to be around anymore and I just couldn't handle where my thoughts were leading me, they were leading me to believe that you weren't going to ever forgive me and that our friendship was over. I hope that you and Chase are happy together and that he treats you right, if I find out that he doesn't, well let's just say he'll regret it." Amanda said, not even eluding to whether or not she was going to forgive Whitney, she had to think quickly and make a decision properly.
"I just wanted to be happy in my life for a change and have someone to love, but I see that there are other things much more important in my life. Like my music career, which is going quite well. Anyways, I do forgive you for this because I don't really know what I would do if I didn't have you as one of my awesome friends." She added and gave Whitney a small smile.