Originally Posted by
Oh, it's up!!
Awesome, Zoe! It's great to learn a bit more about Jakey Wakey!

Keep up the great work!
Yeah 'tis, yo

Oh you'll be learning sooooo much about the boy *prods him*

Cheers, mate
Originally Posted by
Sneakeh Cat
That was my favorite line
PAMS,mah dear

i was wondering who would pick that one up

cheers, SisstahCaaaaatttt
Originally Posted by
Thats awesome Zoe!

Thank yorrr Chloe,
'tis much appreciated
Originally Posted by

BOOK, ehh?
Well anyways, greaaat entreh!
I'm going to annoy you in MSN everyday to write more.
Pleaaase, pleaaaase add more soon

yeah, man, you know it
y'all best be reading the boy's BOOK
thanks mate, now get YOURS up

more NOW man
Originally Posted by

This was very good

I was a tad lost with the colors and what not

But then you mentioned Jake's parents and I got it

You did great hun! I can't wait to read more
Loff ya!


I thought that might get a few people, but I'm glad you worked it out

thank you very much, mate
Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle
Jake is like.....so freaking awesome!!!
Paris: I love you bro!

Aaaaack, you're the awesome one. Thanks for that

Jake: I love you more, sistahhhh
Originally Posted by
Monkey Princess
Gah so full of goodness
I love Jake, he's just sooo cute *pinches cheeks*
This is just too awesome

why thank you

He does seeeeeeeem cute doesn't he

thank you again
Originally Posted by
Gahhh! Wifey. You rock like. <33
And so does lickkle Jakers

Ack, I does?

why thank you too, mrs wifehh!

My li'l boy...

he is pretty darn cute aint he
Originally Posted by
Oh, Zoe, you're just soooo awesome!
I hope you post more sooon!!! *bounces up and down in anticipation*

Aw, thanks Lisa, mate
I am posting more, like right now

hope you like
Originally Posted by
Ms. Diggory
how come I didn't know about this...huh?

... I... well...
I'm modest?

Glad you found it then?

Thank ya!
Originally Posted by
Ohhh! I am so stalking this!

I love Jake!

In a totally non romantic way cause that would be weird and now I'm rambling...
Anyway, yeah. this sounds great Zoe!

*blinks at you* I'm glad you like him... and this...
Thank youssss
Dun, dun, duuuuuun...
Part 2: Spinning August 31st 2056 Jacob Jakers Dale Blackly-Upstead: Newborn
“A baby?” Heath stared blankly at the 40 year old Doctor. He had momentarily forgotten about how they had expected this, and became silenced in shock before the memories came back. “Jakers!”
Heath and Brooke were both twenty, and had been expecting their child for the full 40 weeks, and the bawling baby boy had arrived decidedly right on time, on his due date.
“Can you show me?” Heath asked, breaking the temporary silence he had started, where the doctor scrutinised him. Where was the midwife? Heath watched as the man eyed him, somehow realising that he was being… assessed. Was something wrong with the baby?
Suddenly, the doctor shook his head and plastered on a fixed smile. “Yes of course,” he nodded. “Follow me.”
Heart bashing wildly against his rib cage, Heath followed the man through a sudden maze of corridors and squeaky shiny floors, before they encountered a private room. The man laid his hand on the door handle but seemed to think better of it and turned back towards Heath.
“We haven’t had a chance to tell your wife-”
“Girlfriend,” Heath corrected absent-mindedly, wondering what this was all about.
“I apologise. But, Brooke is sleeping, and the baby… he doesn’t act very…” The doctor pushed on the door handle. “You’ll see for yourself.”
Eyeing the man warily, Heath followed the man into the room. A fan was blowing by the open window, due to the fact that this had been one of the hottest days in the year. Brooke stirred in the hospital bed, clearly awoken by the sounds from outside the room, and the door opening. Heath’s attention was immediately drawn to the incubator at the side of the room, where a tiny baby laid, eyes open, staring somewhere.
Heath approached the baby and stared down at him. He could tell it was a boy, because of the indication on the side, and the stereotypical blue blanket. The baby looked up at Heath… no, through him. Maybe it was normal, Heath didn’t know, but the kid seemed to stare straight through him, as if he was stargazing.
“I’m calling him Jacob,” came a voice from the bed. Brooke. She looked exhausted, but Heath frowned.
“I thought we were naming him Jakers… my middle name?”
“Oh, Heath, don’t be so ridiculous,” Brooke snapped. “You know that he would be teased relentlessly-”
“YOU just want your whole life taken over and suppressed by normality-”
“Don’t give that originality stuff, I’ve just given birth to the kid, I know what he will be like-”
“You can’t say-”
“YES I can!”
A ringing silence followed Brooke’s final shout, and both adults realised how loud they had been. Even though the argument hadn’t lasted long, they feared they had somehow damaged their child, and turned to look at him.
Curiously, the baby was quite content, oblivious to any interaction between his parents, perhaps oblivious even to them. He just watched the fan by the window… spinning… spinning…
August 1st 2067
Jacob Jakers Dale Blackly-Upstead: 10 years and 335 days old
Wow… just… wow.
So, it turns out that I lied before, unintentionally of course. I said I wasn’t magic, ya see? And, this seems totally unbelievable, but… I am magic. I’m a wizard. Mkay, that looks ridiculous… but it’s true.
So, basically, since this is like an autobiography thingamawhatsit, I’ll explain.
I was in my bedroom, on the computer chair, you know the ones that spin round and round and make you sick if you don’t stop after a few hours? Well, I was spinning round and round… had been for ages, and there were voices coming from downstairs, where the front door is. I remember what was said:
“I’ve already been contacted by Heath, he got one for him too, okay? Leave it to me, I’ll just carry on what we’ve been doing.”
“You, Brooke, will give him that letter, or so help us you won’t know what he’ll do when he’s older.”
Other things were said, and there was a lot of loud noises, and in the end my mother entered my room. Without knocking.
“Jake,” she had said. She knows when I spin that it’s important that it finishes. I lifted my feet off of the ground and stared at the ceiling, waiting to come to a complete stop. It just so happened that I stopped more or less in front of her, and I waited to see what she wanted. All my mother did was hold a letter out for me. I took it, and she left.
I span the chair around as I opened the letter, but I stopped trying to make it go when I saw what it said. By the time I finished reading, the chair had stopped, but the room was still spinning. In my head. Because I thought I was going insane… and that is an intense fear of mine, not being in control.
So then later on, I was lying on my bed and my mother came to talk to me. Came to talk at me. She tried to tell me about why she never told me that I was magic before now, stuff about my dad and about how she went to the school I’m going to.
I didn’t want to hear it.
I don’t remember much, just… a lot of shouting and throwing of my textbooks that I learn from. My mother didn’t stay in the room for long, and I don’t remember much, just waking up the next morning in my room which ended up looking like a tip, and my mother about to take me to some place for school shopping. In the end she went ahead and came back to tell me to go. I was glad to go on my own. If I’m about to be forced by my mother to leave what I know… then I’m glad to be leaving the person that doesn’t want me.
One thing is for sure, though… This Hogwarts place had best be good… and it had better feel like home, or I don’t know what I’m going to do.