Thread: Task 2
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Old 08-03-2004, 03:47 AM   #4 (permalink)
Poetry Prince
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Third Obsticle

After leaving the remains of the Boggart and the Troll in the room, the Champions are now escorted to the Gryffindor Common Room with special permission, for the non-Gryffindor students, where they meet the Gryffindor House Ghost......

Theodore floats from his corner of the Gryffindor Common room quite dejected as he addresses the Champions. “As each of you will have noticed, I have lost my favored companion.” Spots holds up his now empty hand where, since the day he died due to a lightning strike, the ghostly Golden Snitch had remained clutched in his grasp. “My Snitch, it appears has left me and is hiding amongst the school’s, hallways, classrooms or grounds.”

Theodore points to a piece of parchment tacked to the wall near the portrait of the Quidditch Cup he helped win. “This riddle shall help you in locating where he has gone. Please attempt to solve it and bring him back to me, you shall have 24 hours from now to return him. Good Luck"

The riddle has been sent by owl to each of the Champions to solve. I will announce the results after 24 hours.
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