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Old 03-11-2009, 01:02 AM   #222 (permalink)
Formerly: moonyroxs

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Baht-ley - The Sweetest - TEAM 947!

Originally Posted by Zoerawrr View Post
Oh. My. Cheesecakes.

Stifling a gasp, Jake could have hit himself round the head for bumping into one of the people he was trying to avoid. Lockhart.

He'd not even thought to check before rounding the corner, and here he was, about to be interrogated. Crap.

Spotting a suit of armour, Jake took not time in zooming over and standing behind it, holding his breath and staying dead still. She. Will. Not. Find me. He tried to reassure himself, not believing that bit one iota. As long as she doesn't manhandle me like the other girls...
Gaspeth! He was here!

"Upstead!" she called over to him. "I need to talk to you." Melanie said in a small sing song voice.

What the heck?! Why was the deranged kid behind a suit of armour? Melanie shrugged. Maybe he's having mental issuses now cause of what he witnessed and all...still strange.

"Are you having fun back there?" Melanie asked, peering around behind the suit of Armour. "Personally I don't see whats so exciting back here..." she said, trailing off.

"C' mon, I wanna talk to you." Melanie grabbed a hold of his arm and tried to drag him out from behind the knight. She wasn't too strong, but just maybe it would work as long as he didn't try to run away...

"About something important." she added, staring him down.
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