Theme # 59: Ignore ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] The Punch Sounds Better Theme # 59: Ignore
Event: Being hit in the face by a crazy, black haired second year.
Deduction: Her hands might look all soft and creamy, but they could definitely be hard as rocks [or stones, or boulders, or -] when something incurred her Majesty's displeasure.
Moral: Never say something you shouldn't be saying, in front of Bellatrix Black.
What to do next: Ignore her.
Consequence: Be ignored in return.
- Which, as Evan Rosier was all too well aware, he could not, would never be able to, handle.
Being punched in the face was better.
At least he got to feel her fist.