believe it or not, this IS cut down from what i was writing. NeeNee Omniscient Omnipotent Pie Maker Tobi raised his hand, took a deep breath, and began to ramble in his usual way, "It begins with three brothers, wizards who set out traveling, and soon reach a river, which poses them no problem for all the magic they know. They build a bridge to cross it. Half way across, they meet Death, who is none too happy about the brothers’ clever solution to the problem of the river. The river up to this point had been bringing him quite a lot of business, if you will. But cunning as Death was, he merely congratulated them and said they had each earned a prize for their resourcefulness.
"The oldest asked for a wand that would always ensure he was the victor in any duel. So Death fashioned him one out of a branch from a nearby Elder Tree, and the oldest was pleased.
"The second brother wanted to take more from Death than merely saving his own skin, so he asked for the power to revive the dead. Death took a stone from the riverbed and gave it to the second brother, promising that it was henceforth imbued with the power to bring back the dead.
"The youngest bother didn’t trust Death, and he would have been perfectly content with merely postponing their first meeting, so he asked for a way to hide from Death. Death did not like this request because the youngest brother alone seemed to understand his intensions; all the same, he couldn’t refuse lest he betray them to the other brothers, so he took of his Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to him.
"The brothers soon parted ways and all met with their end though some sooner than others. The oldest met with his nearly immediately. After winning a few duels, he began bragging about the power of his wand. This drew attention and soon he was dead in his sleep because someone slit his throat to gain it from him.
"The second brother used his gift to bring back a dead former love, but she wasn’t meant for the world of the living any longer, and she didn’t seem to really be there anyway. Eventually the second brother killed himself to be with her properly.
The third brother lived for a very long time, had a simple but long life. One day, when he was very old, he took off the Cloak to give to his son, and Death took him, quite willingly and without regret."
Okay, so it was long, but it was a good story. And he could have made it WAY longer, going into description of the characters personalities and why thay did what they did. But he was supposed to summarise. It had never been one of his strongest skills.
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