connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow Clifford threw his arm excitedly in the air. YAY for BABBITY RABBITTY! "Basically there's this King dude who's a wizard wannabe, yeah? And he goes about waving twigs around thinking he's totally cool." HAH! "BABBITTY finds it hilarious obviously and starts cackling like a mad woman.. but then he blackmails her cos he's a bully and she helps him do this performance thing." Poor Babbitty. "Erm.. someone wants him to bring their dog from the dead, but obviously he cant do that cos he's a big fat fake and magic cant do that." Big breath. "But then there's a nice happy ending with Babbitty's statue." Hmm. "It teaches us that twigs don't make good magic wands and that some people like Babbitty Rabbitty have really awesome names." There.
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