I'm sorry I haven't posted!
This one's to say WELCOME BACK EMS & TISHA ~*~
Angie and Amelia walked back to the twins, Ron and Harry with large smiles on their faces. They had bugged Ginny that much, she had caved and told them.
''What are you two smiling at?'' Fred said as George's eyes narrowed slightly.
''Nothing...'' Both girls said together, causing Fred's eyes to narrow as well.
Harry and Ron backed away from the pair of twins towards Hermione and Ginny, both arguing quietly.
''You shouldn't of said anything though! What if it doesn't happen!'' Hermione said as she waved a hand towards where the twins were.
''When has Alicia been wrong? Answer that one!'' Ginny said visiously, glaring at the girl opposite her. Her hand twitched slightly towards the bag over her shoulder.
''Whoa! What in the world is going on!'' Harry said as he rushed between them.
''Ginny's been telling people about the future!'' Hermione said, her own hand edging towards her wand.
''For heaven's sake! It doesn't matter! Alicia was going to tell them anyway!'' Ginny said, flinging a hand up in the air. Her voice was louder now and people were starting to notice the argument.
Before anyone could speak, a snowy owl flew into the room, sprinkling a few people with snow flakes. The owl circled above the four of them before landing on Harry's shoulder.
''That's America... She's Alicia's owl... Oh no...'' Hermione said, the confusion on her face changed to fear as she stared at the small red envelope in the owl's beak, which dropped to the floor and exploded.
''Haven't even been gone one whole day and your arguing! Your lucky that Jamie won't let me come back or you'll both be in the Hospital Wing by now! Seriously, it's only a few weeks... Try and behave till then! And I'm finishing this argument NOW!'' Alicia's voice shouted. Everyone turned to look at the two girls. ''Fred and George, ASK THEM ALREADY! They know now anyway... Hermione, Ginny, ENOUGH! Now, have fun, miss you all already! Harry, make sure they don't argue!''
The letter burst into flames. The silence was deafening as everyone stood still. Then, someone turned the music back on, causing people to jump and laugh.
''Problem fixed... Let's celebrate a wedding!'' Ron said and Hermione rolled her eyes as he headed towards the food table. ~*~
''Just leave it now... I'm sure they listened to your letter...'' Jamie said as he stood with his back against the railings of the pier.
''How can you see the beautiful view if you've got your back to it?'' Alicia questioned as she watched th sunset over the water.
''Easy... It's next to me... I can see the sun everyday...'' Jamie said and Alicia looked down at her feet, biting her lip.
''We better be getting back to Rome... It's getting late'' She said as a small boat crossed in front of them.
''Alright then... Ready?'' Jamie said as he stepped forwards and held out a hand.
''Not really...'' Alicia whispered but she took his hand anyway. He looked at her but she ignored the questions in his eyes and turned on the spot.
The ocean had vanished and they found themselves outside a large stone building. They walked up the stairs, through the doors and up to the desk.
''Hello, do you have a reservation?'' Th receptionist asked politely as she looked up from the computer in front of her. Jamie raised an eye at the machine and Alicia rolled her eyes.
''Starlight'' She answered and the woman typed it quickly.
''Yes, Room 1402, second floor'' She said as she passed them a key. Alicia thanked her and pulled on Jamie's arm lightly. ~*~*~
Abi... xox
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |