Join Date: May 2008 Location: GMT +12 or 13
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Oz Thickey Sixth Year Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Leon Odessa | The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Copernicus raised his hand. "Bloxam accidentally overheard an original telling of this tale when she was a small child and apparently prone to listening at keyholes," he grinned a bit at that. He too was guilty of keyhole listening, but never really got anything as juicy as a story of horror and mayhem like this one. "She was so traumatized by the hearing that she took to her bed and developed an odd habit of sleepwalking that was only cured by her door being sealed each night. She also refused to even attempt a translation for the Toadstool Tales." Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 Chris Potter raised his hand. "Bloxam who is also prone to editing or just plain omitting some of the Beadle's tales left the Tale of the Warlock's Hairy Heart out of her own collection of stories. She tells of how she overheard her father telling it and how she became ridden with thoughst of the story that it gave her sleepwalking fits." Quote:
Originally Posted by Waterloo Grinning at the teacher, Clifford raised his hand again. "The Warlock's Hairy Heart tale like.. traumatized her or something, I think Sir." The Prefect explained, brow furrowing in concentration. "I mean, I don't really blame her.. for a little kid it IS kinda gruesome, ain't it? But yeah, she never rewrote that tale." Quote:
Originally Posted by Crayola "Unlike the other tales, I don't think Beatrix Bloxam rewrote this particular one for her Toadstool Tales." Evangeline said after raising her hand. She wasn't exactly sure, since she had never read it, but she thought she had once heard her Mother talk about it. "I think she overheard her aunt telling this tale to her older cousins when she was younger and got pretty traumatized. Then she got all weird and every night sleepwalked to that same door. That doesnt make much sense because why would you want to come back to a place where you had heard something that had scared you?" The Prefect pondered on this for a moment, looking positively confused, before shrugging her shoulders non-nonchalantly. "Anyway, her Father started sealing her door every night aaaand problem fixed." Quote:
Originally Posted by Hedwig18 Ana raised her hand "She was really traumatised by the tales, especially The Warlock's Hairy Heart. Later she rewrote the tales, but she was unable to adapt The Warlock's Hairy Heart,." she said Quote:
Originally Posted by aussiegirl Kayla raised her hand, "Well she overheard the story being told to one of her cousins and she was extremely traumatised at what she had heard that she had nightmares about it for weeks afterwards. She could never find a way to rewrite the story to put it into a good light, so that tale never made it into any of her books." "Yes, you all got it. Thats what we know." Truebridge agreed. Quote:
Originally Posted by Rachie..x "Yes Sir" Vanessa smiled, as she stood up, and approached the board, and wrote a summary of the story on it. Summary of The Warlock's Hairy Heart - Young and Handsome Warlock decides to never fall in love
- He uses the dark arts to prevent him falling in love
- After hearing his servant whispering about him not having a wife he decides to find one, so he can make everyone else jealous
- He finds the girl and tries to persuade her that he has a heart
- The Warlock attempts to put his heart back into his chest, after he kept it in a casket in his dungeon
- But his heart has been kept from his body for too long, and it had degenerated into an animalistic state
- This causes him to take the heart of the which.
- Thus both the witch and the warlock die
"Good, thank you Vanessa." Truebridge glanced at her notes. Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr "But it's so... weird..." Jake couldn't help himself from commenting. The continuity of it all was messed up and it bothered him. "I just... don't get that..." he shrugged one shoulder and smiled slightly at Professor Truebridge before glancing nervously at the cat. It was a weird little thing.
Raising his hand again, Jake tried answering without sounding like a complete imbecile. "I don't know much about that, but, from what I've heard, I'm guessing she reeeeeeeeeally didn't like it, sir..." he shrugged. He was usually one to delve into the history of fiction, rather than reading it, but he hadn't gotten that chance yet. "Maybe she... erm..." Jake bit his lip. "Freaked out?"
Pot, meet kettle. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Anna raised her hand and said, "When she was a child, Bloxam had a habit of listening in on conversations via keyholes in doors. It was through a keyhole when she first heard a retelling of "The Warlock's Hairy Heart." The tale scared her so much that she ran to bed, developing a sleepwalking habit shortly thereafter. Bloxam's sleepwalking was only cured by her door being sealed each and every night." Anna didn't really blame Bloxam too much, either. The warlock and his scary heart were both downright frightening...and disgusting, too. Quote:
Originally Posted by Celandine Cela raised her hand, "Professor, Beatrix Bloxam wrote in her diary that she had overheard the tale being told and it traumatised her and she never quite recovered. Her father had to stick her door to stop her from sleepwalking. She couldn't find a way to sugar coat that story and so it was never included in her toadstool tales." Quote:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Weasley Abby raises her hand. "Beatrix Bloxam never recovered from accidently hearing the story. Every night she would walk in her sleep to the key hole she used to easedrop on her aunt. Her father had to perform a sticking charm on her bedroom door to stop Ms. Bloxam. She was so tramatized she was unable to write a more sanitized version of the Warlock's Hairy Heart." Quote:
Originally Posted by Ama Daphne raised her hand with a sigh. "Beatrix Bloxam was a bit of a snoop as a child, of the worst kind," added the blond in a whisper to herself as she curled a strand around her finger. "She was listening through this keyhole as she probably did every night, and overheard the tale being told. Naturally, she was so frightened out of her wits she ran to her bed that night. As karma would have it, her post-traumatic stress was so that she developed sleep-walking tendencies," continued Miss Hopton, unable to keep a little laugh to herself. "Oh, sorry," she apologized and coughed. "In any case, her Father used a nice sealing charm on her bedroom door to keep her from gallivanting around the house in her nightwear. Unfortunately for Bloxam, she never did quite get over it so when she settled down to write the toadstool tales, The Warlock's Hairy Heart wasn't included." "Precisely. Good answers." Quote:
Originally Posted by Ameh Gulping slightly, Raiden got up and went to the board. Lessons. Lessons. There was a definite one, but there had to be more than that... Lessons in the tale "The Warlock's Hairy Heart: - Trying to avoid feeling anything will, in the end, backfire and end up hurting you even more.
- Invulnerability may seem like a good thing, but it really wouldn't be.
- To quote from the past, 'To hurt is as human as to breathe'. Take that away, and you're not very human.
- The thing you view as a weakness (i.e. the Warlock views his friends falling in love as them falling prey to a weakness) will probably in the end be the greatest strength.
- Using dark magic to sever your heart from the rest of your body is probably not in your best interests.
- Don't cut out your heart in an attempt to become invulnerable and then put it back in years and years later to prove to a lady that you have a heart. You'll probably both die.
He turned away from the board, blushing a bit at not being able to find more lessons in the story he liked so much, and then, raising his hand just a tiny bit, he answered the question being asked.
"Miss Crazy Lady Bloxam got the living daylights scared out of her when she overheard her auntie telling her cousins this story... she said it was an accident, but I've fallen against keyholes by accident and I don't stay there long enough to hear whole faerie tales," he said doubtfully. "But apparently, because it scared her so much, she didn't try to rewrite it."
Thank Merlin.
He went back to his seat and sank into it, face still pink from embarrassment over not being able to figure out more lessons in the tale. "Good job, Raiden. Thank you." Ethan nodded, "You all need to copy the notes Vanessa and Raiden wrote up and we are moving on. It's Babbitty Rabbitty time! Anyone have anything they'd like to share? Factors they find noteworthy in the story of Babbitty Rabbitty and her cackling stump? I'm not looking for a summary yet. Just points of interest."