Originally Posted by
Hawken Terrell
The moment both spells were off, Cale started yelling. "My gnomtruckle! They were going to kill it and you all just stood there and did nothing! Someone had to do something!" He pushed her hand away. She hadn't helped. She'd merely made the situation worse.
"And then you left!" He had been lying face down on the cold cobblestones for an hour, at least. He'd lost track of time after everyone had left him. He stood up and dusted himself off. "Now I haven't a clue where the gnomtruckle is! He could be up in the library ripping pages out of books. "
He paused. "And where is that coward Tobi?!"
"Oh well I am
so sorry that
I was trying to save
your hide!" Valentine poked Cale's chest hard with her index finger multiple times, that it could almost leave a bruise.
"And that coward, who was trying to be your friend, is currently attempting to get help for our situation and-"
It seemed as though the two Ravenclaws argueing in the corridor had gained some attention of a near by professor. She turned her head quickly to look at the professor, who looked particularly cheerful. Without even really realizing she shot a sinister glare at him, the same stern look that she was giving Cale a mere moment before.
And then Cale started to go off about his gnomtruckle thing once again.
"CALE! Enough with the bloody creature! You are the only one who cares about the stupid thing right now! You don't think there are bigger matters at hand? Oh no the unconscious floating body was nothing to be worried about right?"