Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door "There is this young and handsome warlock, Sir.." Evangeline Green started with a ickle small bounce, her hand raised in the air. "And he didnt want to fall in love .. ever, which is so stupid if you ask me, so he uses Dark Magic to prevent that. Which is even stupider." Needless to say, Evangeline didnt fancy this warlock that much. "But when he overhears people saying he doesnt have a wife and such, he decides to find himself someone to marry to. Eventually, he does, but the girl tells him she needs to know he has a heart." This was the grooosss part. Eww. "So the warlock shows her his hairy heart, which is kept in a crystal casket in the dungeon. The maiden begs him to put it back in and he does so, but after being so long away from his body, the warlock's heart has turned quite animalistic and forces the warlock to take the maiden's heart off her chest. However, the warlock finds out he cant take his own heart out to put in the maiden's and cuts it off with a dagger." Ugh. How stuuuupid. Of course he'd die with no heart! This was one of Evangeline's least favourite tales, but it still fascinated her. "In the end, they both die."
But what lessons could they learn from that? Her Mother had never really talked to her about that tale, since she thought it could be scary, so Evangeline wasn't sure. Hmm. "It teaches us ... to don't be afraid of love?" The sixteen year old attempted, dearly hoping she was right. Otherwise, it could be very embarrassing. "The warlock decides he doesnt want to fall in love because he doesnt want to be vulnerable and when you're in love, you depend on others, so yeah. But in the end, shutting his heart down for love and other emotions, turned him into something not very human." Evangeline suddenly smiled, struck by an idea. "It teaches us that love makes us human." YAY! |