connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow The Warlock's Hairy Heart? Clifford strained his memory, trying to remember that particular tale.. he hadn't heard them all in a pretty long while. He didn't read fairytales anymore.. he was a big boy! "That's the one about the dude that uses the dark arts as a means of not falling in love, right?" Why he'd want to do that, Clifford had no idea. "The dude finally gets a girlfriend though, and she convinces him to put his freaky hairy heart back in his body.. His heart didn't really work well though, and he tried to steal hers.." What a good boyfriend he was.. NOT! "So they both die in the end."
And the lessons learnt from it? "I suppose it teaches us ... not to ... try steal your girlfriend's heart?" Uhm.
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