♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Oh good. He still had his arm. He raised his hand again, a little more confident about keeping it now.
"Freya was the Goddess of love and fertility," he said softly. "She and Odin used to split the warriors who were killed, and half would go to her hall while the others went to his... all the girls went to her place too. She had a chariot that was pulled by two black cats. There's a legend what says that the black cats, after seven years, got to be turned into witches that could disguise themselves as kitties when they needed to...She had a necklace that she was really fond of, and she had a feather coat thing that could help her fly between worlds. I also read that she likes elves, does that mean house elves?"
He imagined how many house elves it would take to clean up after Freya and her slain warriors... and shuddered with horror for the poor creatures. |