Theme # 83: Fearful ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] At Loss of Words Theme # 83: Fearful
They began from the first wall, and continued all the way to the last. Tall, handsome portraits, in highly polished frames. Tall, handsome portraits that spoke of beauty, and love, and passion.
- Tall, handsome portraits of her.
Bellatrix. They were all of her, portraits done in pencil, and oil paints, and watercolours. Dozens of them.
"You shouldn't have seen this," Evan said quietly. He almost sounded... fearful. As if she would shout on him, ruin the chance she had given him. "I -"
She left without a word. Evan knew nothing he would, or could, say would make her stay.