Shel's owner<3 / SSRPG wanderer // Nat luffs you ^^/ Half Slyther half dor =)) Dear diary,
It's been a busy week for me. Christmas again is over. And now it's a snowy cold January. I love the scenery of everything covered in snow especially our dormitory is on one of the highest Hogwarts tower. So we can really see everything down at the grounds.
Something happened on Hogwarts. I wonder if my cousin, Spence or the ministry knows it. Or perhaps hogwarts have been hiding it. I had no idea. And so that happening's one of the reasons why our Head of House started the Sleepover thing on the common room. All the couches and chairs were gone and they turned into sleeping bags and mats. it was kinda weird... but then think about the whole Gryffindor bonding.
it was a lovely scene wasn't it? And so i didn't had a wink coz i wanted to witness all the happenings. Nate just told me he wouldn't be coming back next year at Hogwarts and i felt bad although he said that wasn't sure yet. I hope he will come back. He's one of my closest friends in here.
And about Aly.. ALycya... she's back. I missed her. She's older than us. She's a fifth year. She's nice and everything. The three of us were together at the sleepover. I also spotted Shaylee around.
what was kinda annoying is that, i heard a voice... it was familiar.. and then i turned to see mArcus. But we hadn't got the chance to talk. He was talking to Liz and Chris. And he didn't noticed us i guess. I think it was me who noticed that he was so much interested with someone. I hope no one saw me as my gaze followed him as he left for the boys dormitory.
Those were just memories then, the sleepover had ended.
So that's all for now.
And Vivianne Nat continued to gaze at the outside window of their dormitory. All is white, and she smiled. "It'll all get better in time," she murmured as she leaned on the glass.
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