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Old 03-04-2009, 10:26 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dracos_Lady View Post
Being a rather observant individual, Jessica instantly recognised the aura of awkwardness that had immediately built up between the two of them. She was unsure why, until she introduced herself with a certain amount of self dignity when pronouncing her name. Ah. Theo's wife. Right. She could tell, within mere minutes of meeting Alina, that her employee felt that perhaps she was to blame for Theo's resignation. "Lovely to meet you Miss Newtington," she stated, in a desperate attempt to lighten to mood. She didn't want her party to become weird because of personal reasons.

"And I'm sure I will enjoy it," Jessica added, smiling brightly.
Alina gave a slight nod of her head, and offered Jessica a smile. She really needed to get over the fact the Theo was no longer here, and it was his decision - even if it was only to keep his wife sane. "Same to you," she replied, now more sincerely than when she had previously spoken. Sure, it would take time to get used to a new head, but sometimes a change was good, right?

"Well," Alina said, after a bit of thinking and settling some doubts in her brain, "if you need any help getting sorted...or finding things, you know where to find me. And if you have any problems with the filing - I used to be Theo's secretary so should be able to lead you to the right place, though goodness knows how he probably managed to mess it up after I got promoted!" She chuckled, knowing full well what Theo's type of 'tidying' was - shoving things where they happened to fit.

She smiled, before looking at Liam. "If you'll excuse me, I have an offer of a dance to take up," she said to Jessica and Benjamin, eyes twinkling.

Originally Posted by liammoiser View Post
Liam looked at Alina. "I...I'm F...i..n...n...e" He smiled as he tried to calm his nerves. He hoped that he would be able to by the time they had finished dancing though he had this feeling that he would be even more nervous after the dance. He wondered if he would ever be able to look at Alina in the eyes again. He had just asked his ex boss if she wanted to dance, how could he.

He smiled when she said that she would dance with him. "G...r....e....a....t." He said trying to smile and sound normal. He was sure that she was thinking that he was crazy and who blaimed her. He had been so busy with work that he was nervous about getting the right result in that. He wanted to impress the new boss by working hard and doing the job correctly. He looked at Alina. "s...o shall we D..a...n...c...e then?" He grabbed a drink and drank it. Once he had finished he put it down and smiled as he went to the dance floor and waited for Alina to follow him.
Alina's smile widened as she headed towards Liam. She hoped it would make him seem more relaxed - by the sounds of it he was quite nervous about asking his former division head to dance. Either that or his had watched Finding Nemo more times than Theo Junior and was practicing speaking whale. Nah, it was quite sweet really. And made her feel better about being here on her own. It was weird not having an ex quidditch pro getting all the attention by her side.

"I'll have you know I'm not the best at formal dances," Alina warned Liam as she reached him with a knowing twinkle in her eye. "So don't blame me for any bruised toes!"
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