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Old 03-04-2009, 05:21 PM   #20 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
"You think that's funny, do you Jack?" Bunbury marched across the room and was in his face in two seconds.

Tap tap, her wand touched his nose and he was now transfigured the same as Nathan. "Go on, get in your pen. Ughh."

She wrinkled her nose at the smell, just now remembering that there was a bit of dragon dung and dung beetles in the pit...disgusting....then again, the beetles could be a tasty treat if the pigboyz got hungry...

Bunbury wandered over to Sakura now and tapped her wand in her hand, smirking at the girl as her eyes took in her appearance from head to toe. She was just perfect for this transfiguration.

Quickly, before the girl could react to her boyfriend's piggy appearance, Bunbunz tapped the Slytherin's nose and the top of her head twice before darting back by the door. She watched with far too much amusement as the girl's nose elongated into a snout and her ears became pointy and furry, just like a...

"Wolf wolf!" the redhead called out, clapping her hands twice in glee. "Run along and play with your piggy pig friends now! And be might be getting hungry."

She threw her head back and laughed long and hard. Really though, the transfiguration wasn't complete - it was mostly for show - and it only messed with their heads just a bit. Just enough that the Slytherin would now want to be nipping at the heels of the half-pig boys, but not enough that she would do anything truly dangerous to them.

"And I forgot to mention," Anastasia called out, leaning her shoulder against the door, "the key to this room is buried somewhere in that pit. Use find it."

She cackled one more time and then slipped out of the room, locking the door with a very audible click behind her.
Jack nodded before he was turned into a pig 'COOL!' was all he could think as he bowed his head to make his ears flop around 'WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' he oinked once and ran over to tge mud, looking at it, he jumped in, splatting mud all over the room, he oinked happily before going through the mud with his hands, just for fun.

Originally Posted by fish_kid View Post
Just as he was about to eat another beetle he saw the others get turned into animals as well. A wolf? Oh crap! Nathaniel started squealing like crazy. Was it even allowed to happen? BunButt was for sure off her rocker. The pig boy was running around the mud pit not know what to do. Then he heard crazy BunButt talk about some key. A key? Instincts? Nathaniel stopped where he was and started digging in the pit looking for the key. He wasn't going to stay in here for long. No way in hell. He didn't care if that other boy was devoured by the wolf girl..
Jack looked up at Nathaniel and squealed for him to shut up, as Nathaniel started to dig, Jack oinked and started to roll in the mud

Originally Posted by Esme View Post
Sakura was shocked to be transformed into a wolf. Oh well at least she was a kawaii animal. Key huh? That would be a good thing to find. But she so hated mud. Her decision was then made for her.

Hearing the pig boy squealing she couldn't resist but leap for him while howling loudly. Once she figured she had scared him sufficiently she bounded over to another part of the pit to search for the key that would hopefully get her out of this room.
Jack squealed out some kind of hysterical laughter as Sak went for Nathaniel, he rolled around in the mud, having fun, then he decided to actually help, getting his hands ready, Jack started to rake through the mud and look for the key.
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