Join Date: Apr 2007 Location: Greece
Posts: 416
Hogwarts RPG Name: Angie Palimor First Year |
Okay it took more than I thought but I had a lot of things going on and hopefully you guys haven't gotten bored of waiting. Please read and post!!!
Chapter 19
James was waiting in a hospital hall for someone to come and bring him some news about his parents. Hermione brought him there after explaining him what had happened. She took Lilly and Rose home and then she would go from the Ministry and then straight to the hospital to accompany James in waiting, though Ron, Molly and probably Albus would be there by then.
James could not believe it. Both of his parents were in the hospital and he didn't know for whom he should be more worried about; for his mum and the baby or for his dad, who wasn't waking up though no one could find anything wrong with him. And no one was telling him anything else but to wait. Wait for what? For them to get better? For them to get worse? For them to die? He didn't have a clue and it was making him get more and more frustrated by the second.
This whole summer was a disaster. It was like someone placed a curse upon his family and no matter what they did or how strongly they fought, the Death Eaters seem to be able to always get to them one way or another. He placed his head in his hands wishing more than anything that both of his parents could be okay; just the mere thought of the alternative seemed more horrible than the torture he was subjected to.
Harry and Snape materialized out of nowhere. Harry swung a bit but he regained his balance after a while.
"Where are we?"
"Look around, what does it look like?"
"Wow, we're at Saint Mungo's?" Harry asked looking at the white walls and at the nurses passing them. Snape nodded. "How did we get here?"
"We materialized, of course".
"Oh, of course!" Harry said ironically and Snape smirked again.
"Isn't that what every spirit can do, Potter?"
"You said I'm not dead!" Harry said irritated.
"Well, technically you're not..."
"Technically?" Harry repeated. "Okay, that's it. Why am I as I am? Why can I see you? What are you doing here? I mean, you are dead!"
"Do you recall being hit by a curse? It transmitted your spirit to an indeterminate state", said Snape.
"What does that mean?"
"Oh, my God, how is it that you remain so infuriatingly ignorant?"
"How is it that you remain so infuriatingly snobbish?"
"I'm just going to ignore that comment", Snape sighed turning to face him. "You're in limbo...or at least a part of you is. I'm suprised you didn't realize it actually; you've been here before".
"I have?"
"Yes when you spoke to Dumbledore after the Dark Lord killed you".
"He didn't kill me", Harry corrected him. "Who's the ignorant now?"
"Whatever...the point is that you must find a way back into your's not going to be as easy as it was the last time".
"This is all so intriguing", Harry sighed. "And you still haven't told me where do you fit in all of these?"
"I was send here to help you".
"By whom?"
"I cannot answer that".
"Help me with what?"
"I cannot answer that".
"Why you?"
"I cannot answer that".
"How will I get back into my body?"
"I cannot answer that".
"Do you wanna get into my nerves?"
"I cannot answer that", Snape smirked and Harry looked at him exasperated.
"You know Dumbledore answered a lot of things when I talked to him in limbo!"
"I'm not Dumbledore", Snape responded and Harry narrowed his eyes.
"I can see that", he said and turning his back at him he walked down the hall. "I don't recall Dumbledore having so greasy hair", he added under his breath.
"How am I gonna find out what's Ginny doing if I can't ask anyone?"
"You'll find a way", Snape shrugged following Harry around the corner.
"That's helpful", Harry scowled turning to look at him again.
"Why don't you start with him?" Snape suggested pointing at someone behind Harry.
The man turned and gasped as he saw James sitting close by in the waiting room. Harry run and sat next to him. The boy seemed lost. But what could he do? How would he console him if he couldn't talk to him?
"How can I talk to him?" Harry asked Snape.
"You're in limbo; you can't talk to him".
"I'm a spirit, aren't I? Spirits have ways to communicate with the living, right?"
"Yes but you keep forgetting that you're not dead... you're just dissected", Snape explained.
"Oh, yeah just that", Harry said widening his eyes in sarcasm. Snape shrugged and looked at the boy.
"You know I think I prefer your other son more than this one", he said and Harry rolled his eyes.
"And that's completely irrelevant with the fact that he is named after my father and my godfather and the other one is named after Dumbledore and you, right?"
"Of course, that is completely irrelevant, Potter", Snape nodded.
Harry's response never left his lips though because James jumped up as Teddy walked hurriedly to him.
"Teddy, thank God!" James exclaimed. "What's going on? No one tells me anything!"
"Hey, Jamie", said Teddy in a rather weary tone. "Are you here by your own?"
"Yeah...Aunt Hermione had to go back to the Ministry but Uncle Ron should be here any minute now, probably along with my siblings and my grandparents", James responded. "How's mum and dad?"
"There's not much I can tell you, Jamie", Teddy sighed. "We still have no idea what's wrong about your dad".
"Never mind me", said Harry. "What about Ginny?"
"He's gonna be okay thouth, right?" James asked Teddy obviously not being able to hear his father.
"I don't know", Teddy replied and the boy closed his eyes.
"What do you mean you don't know?" he asked, his voice rising in every syllable.
"Calm down", Teddy said placing his hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure he'll be okay; isn't he always?"
"Yeah, Jamie, don't worry about me, I'll be fine...eventually", said Harry forgetting once again that he couldn't be heard.
"What about mum?" the boy asked shrugging Teddy's hand off. Teddy smiled.
"She'll be fine".
"Thank God", Harry and James said together.
"What about the baby?" Harry asked Teddy, wishing he would answer his question.
"We're not sure about the baby though", Teddy continued and Harry groaned worried.
"What do you mean?"
"Your mum almost had a miscarriage, James. We were busy taking care of her and we still haven't checked on the baby; but I'm sure that since she's fine the baby will be too", he added hurriedly.
James sighed and sat back down. Teddy sat next to him.
"Can I see them?" the boy asked him.
"Not yet", Teddy answered. "But soon".
Harry sighed and turned to Snape.
"What now? How am I gonna get into my body, again?"
"Maybe you should find your body again?"
"Just focus on where you want to go", said Snape and Harry closed his eyes and thought of his body.
"It's not gonna hap..." he started opening his eyes but stopped since, to his great amazement, he and Snape were standing in a room right in front of the bed Harry's body was laying in. "Wow...I had to become a spirit for you to teach me anything?"
"Very witty", said Snape sarcastically. "So any ideas?"
"I need to get back into my body", Harry replied.
"You don't say!"
"Stop making fun of me!" said Harry angrily. "I need to wake up, I need to go see Ginny, I need to say that I'm okay to my son and I, I need shaving", he added looking down at himself. Then he glanced at Snape and then he walked around the bed thinking.
"Maybe if I just lie in my body..." he said.
"It's not going to work".
"Well, you're just a ray of sunlight now, aren't you?" said Harry; his voice full of sarcasm.
"It's not going to work", Snape repeated gloomily and Harry grunted.
"What is going to work, then?"
"I don't know; something will eventually", said Snape.
"Eventually", Harry repeated. "Eventually when? What do I have to do? Why are all of these even hapening?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why do we have to go through everything again? Why do my kids have to go through it? Those who send you here really don't like me, do they?"
"It's not like this, Potter. Everything happens for a..."
"A reason? What's the reason? What's the reason for my wife and my unborn child to be endangered? What's the reason for everything they did to my son? What's the reason for killing Dean or for attacking Luna's house? What's the reason for evil to exist anyway?"
"If evil didn't exist, Potter, good wouldn't either, nor would free will. We have the right to choose between good or evil and by taking that choice away, you're taking our free will away too".
"I know all that", Harry shook his head. "It's just...I thought we had fought our battles".
"Apparently not all of them", Snape sighed. "There are a few more battles ahead to be fought, Potter".
"What happens if...?"
"If the Dark Lord returns?" Snape finished his sentence and the hospital room disappeared all around them or maybe they left it and they were standing in the middle of a big temple. Torches of fire were lightening the place from the tall, rocky walls. There, right in front of them, was...
"The book?"
"The book", Snape nodded.
"Apostollo knows about it", said Harry. "So then it's true; there's a spy in the Ministry".
"Yes, so if you don't want the Death Eaters to figure out how to bring the Dark Lord back..."
"...I need to get the book away from the Ministry", Harry nodded.
"You know that many more lives will be lost if he returns, right?"
"I'm not gonna let him return", Harry shook his head."Not after all this time, no, I'm not gonna let them bring him back to destroy our lives again".
"Good then you know what you need to do".
"I need to hunt Apostollo down and fight him", Harry sighed and Snape nodded. Then Harry felt a weird feeling. He felt like someone was clutching his hand, hugging his waist and like there was a hook behind his belly-button dragging him, like a Portkey. "What's happening?"
"They're pulling you back", said Snape firmly.
"What do you...?" Harry started but as he spoke they were standing in the room his body was again. Harry turned; James, Albus and Lilly were there by his side. Lilly had climbed on the bed, hugging his waist and Albus was clutching is hand. Harry walked to them and wished more than anything that he could tell them he was fine.
"You can tell them now", said Snape and Harry turned to look at him.
"You know I used to think that you weren't capable of being great in anything".
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, but I guess I was wrong" Snape smiled as he faded. "You must be a great father for them to love you that much".
"Wait..." said Harry as Snape had almost faded completely. "Thanks", he said but he wasn't sure if he heard him because he disappeared and the next moment Harry realized that he was fading himself.
Last edited by onar; 05-11-2011 at 09:01 PM.