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Jake flinched a little as Allie kind of yelped his name out. What was so wrong? "Nobody helped me," he answered, semi-truthfully. "I did it myself. And I didn't want, I already told you that..."
Jake bit hit lip and stared at the floor as Allie scolded him a little. "But I don't want to!" he whined, as Allie mentioned the hospital wing. He had an urge to stamp his foot, but that probably wouldn't do him ant favours at the moment. And yep, there it was. Allie had hold of Jake's hand and was pulling him away.
Jake, pouting and whining, let his feet go with the flow this time, though he didn't stop complaining. "No, Allie! It ain't fair!" Letting his face show his anger, Jake added. "Where are we even going?"
"You'll find out soon enough." said Allie, as sh etook him to the hut.
She was surprised he didn't drag his feet, or try to escape like last time. But then again, he didn't know where they were going either. She figured once he realized that they were going to see Professor Morgan he would do more than just complain, though. When she got ot the door she knocked, and then turned to Jake.
"Please don't run away this time. I do have a good reason to take you here, you know."