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Tobi groaned and leaned back against the opposite wall. By some strange luck he was still breathing, which was, unexpected... but he was very very confused.
He'd always been the youngest, the eternal child. And he still was, he was by no means related to Cela, but the moment he met her on the train and discovered she had a whack of older brothers to his whack of older sisters, BAM! instant kinship, helped along by the fact that Nico had left a year early. He knew what that was like too. Thanks Cooper and Belle's schools.
"Okay, you think of Cela as your little sister right?" he asked, trying again, on a far more rational footing, "I do too. And I know you have way more right, having known her longer, and knowing her brothers and everything, but there you go. I've got three older sisters and one who I think of as my kid sister, I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but I think might have been when I found out her brothers were all gone from Hogwarts."
Tobi rubbed his face frustratedly, "Anyway, I'm not really good at being an older brother. See, the idea that she went sledding down the staircases isn't that bad to me, even Plymouth doesn't scare me. A boy that she actually likes? That SCARES me. That can get her into all KINDS of trouble."
The image of Cela looking dejected planted itself in his mind. Like she could get stuck as depressed as she is right now.
"Yes I look at Cela as my sister" Kayla agreed and as she listened to all Tobi had to say and she could tell straight away that they were on different wave lengths. "Tobi, I am an only child and I grew up being surrounded by adults, even my own parents never really treated me like a kid. I made my own choices and set my own boundaries and if I stuffed up well that's how I learnt my lesson" she pushed off against the wall and began to pace. "I have even been living on my own for the past two years..."Kayla stopped mid step and looked at Tobi..."long story I might tell you about it sometime."
She began her pacing again, "Anyway what I am trying to say is that, she needs to learn from her mistakes. She's going to end up liking someone eventually and I was her age when I met her brother Nico and we're still together and well maybe I was a little more mature than what Cela is." Kayla sighed deeply, "All I can suggest is that you be a friend to her Tobi and be there if she needs you...hopefully she won't but just in case she does" Kayla placed her hand gently on Tobi's arm. "She has to grow up sooner or later" she let go of his arm and groaned softly. "And I have to try and explain that to her brother."