avant-garde Mrs. Nick Jonas Quote:
Originally Posted by hermygirl Alina swallowed slowly as Jessica arrived and went on to mention 'dearest Theodore Newtington'. She didn't exactly need reminding of the fact he wasn't here...that she couldn't just pop into his office, or spend lunchbreaks with him. She closed her eyes momentarily as Jessica introduced herself, focusing her thoughts on getting through this evening by herself. On reopening them, she flashed Jessica a small smile and turned to Benjamin was appeared to be trying to disappear. Feeling slightly easier after her speech, Jessica made a bee-line for her Division Heads, who all seemed to be huddled together. "Hullo!" she trilled, beaming at the woman who had smiled. She seemed nice. Patents Head, she believed. "I'm Jessica Peaches, but please do call me Jessica. Not Jess." 'Jess' absolutely killed her for some reason, despite being told that it was such a cute nickname. 'Jessica' sounded much more professional, and she was indeed a professional woman.
Turning to the man who'd come to her office earlier, Jessica flashed him a dazzling smile. "Hello Benjamin! Terribly sorry about earlier," she apologised.
__________________ Hugo&Georgie FOREVER AND EVER 
Just two seventh year flirts who happened to fall in love |