Amy shook her head as she walked along with Jake toward the Great Hall, "No. Its not that bad." She glanced down at the floor as they walked thinking about the fact her mother had not sleep a night since her father passed and how weird it was the night she visited Amy in her dream was the first night she heard of her sleeping.
Clearing her mind she looked back up at Jake, "At the Slythern table ugh. I suppose thats what I get for dating a Sly guy." She gave a playful smile before entering the room.
Jake rolled his eyes "you say it like its a bad thing" he told her leading her towards the table. Once they got there they sat down. "plus is not so bad, I've sat with you at the Ravenclaw table" he said. Jake grabbed a cup and filled it with juice "Want some?" he ask Amy.
Jake felt something furry moving under the table by his feet, he looked under the table and saw Will "Will, where have you been, I havent seen you in days" he said as he picked up his cat and placed him on his lap. "look Amy Will decided to grace us with his presence" he said chuckling. He patted Will fur and rubbed behind his ears. "what are you planing on doing when you finish hogwarts?" he asked her looking up to look her in the eyes.