| Charlie the Unicorn | | SnowManipulator |
Spence looked around the library making sure noone was around. She slid into an empty table. She pulled out her beautiful diary. A gift from her cousin. Dear Diary,
I met Brandon on the Pathways and near the Lake. I swear he likes me as much as I like him but it could be my optimism. I hope not. I gave him a drawing of the Lake and him at Sunset. He said it was beautiful. I hope so.
Oh, I cannot forget how he asked if I had missed him and I said yes. He looked so happy and not a figment of my imganiation. I asked him and he ALSO said yes. Can you believe it? I know, me either.
Not much else. Hopefully I can catch Via at sometime. Hopefully. It seems that we ALWAYS miss each other. Weird, right? Well got to go. I will write when I have more.
<3 Spence
Last edited by theSpark_Inside; 02-26-2009 at 02:18 AM.