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Old 02-23-2009, 09:20 PM   #89 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by PhoenixFlame View Post
Ludo looked around as voices came from outside the classroom. To his utmost relief, Headmaster Bontecou had arrived.

As Peeves created more chaos overhead, he stood up. "Er...welcome back Professor. We had no idea we'd be having a substitute for this class."he called out.
"Nor I. I apologize for getting lost," he said and then looked over at the poltergeist. "PEEVES!" he shouted and pointed his wand at the fiend. Actually, the professor looked quite fierce. His normal appearance wasn't one that struck you as 'auror'... engineer or mathematician maybe but, not really dueling material. It was a lot like the difference between calm, serene, and twinkly eyed Dumbledore versus the Dumbledore who faced Barty Crouch Junior.

Blast from the past!
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