Originally Posted by
Oh that was so great!!!! Love the dresses-tie thing!!! Can't wait to read about Alicia's dress!!! PAMS!!!!!
Have you guessed the reason behind the colours then?
Originally Posted by
Angie: ...No, i don't speak greek...sorry. My friend does though and i love it...its sounds so exotic. I know a few things...but not much.
Abi: I LOVED IT!!! and the dresses...especially Hermione's. I can't wait for Alicia's...it should be pretty. And i loved her hair. I want mine like that...when/if i get married.
PAMS!! And the dress!!
It should be WHEN you get married!
Chapter 37
The crowd sighed as each couple appeared and walked down towards Jamie.
As Harry stood next to Neville, he lent towards him. ''
She's completely and utterly nervous... I think Hagrid will end up carrying her down that aisle'' Hermione nodded in agreement as she heard him.
Moment of truth... Fingers crossed'' Ron whispered and he actually crossed his fingers. Jamie laughed.
Alicia breathed deeply and closed her eyes as she stepped through the curtain. She heard people gasp and sigh. She even heard Seamus whistle. She opened her eyes and looked forwards.
Ginny, Hermione and Luna stood on the left, smiling with relief that she was walking by herself. Harry, Ron and Neville looked the same. But she didn't see them. She looked at Jamie as he stared at her and all the nerves vanished.
Right, I am going to bed now... I have school in the morning but I will be on there!
Abi... xox