Slytherin Pride
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02-22-2009, 09:25 PM
Mistress Vondella
Slytherin Pride
Banner made by Waterloo
This is where members can post their house pride siggys and avvies. This thread will be treated as a grab bag.
- We'd like to remind you that this thread is for graphics
, meaning
comments. If you'd like to comment on how brilliant you think the graphics are or on how you're snagging it, PM the icon maker.
- Remember that hotlinking is not a friend of Slytherin House.
If you wanna use a graphic present on this thread, upload it onto your own Photobucket account (or any similar website).
- Credit is nice and appreciated. You like a graphic and used it? Let the world know who made it.
- All graphics must apply to SS Board Rules. Those are sacred. If you don't remember them, go read them once more.
Other than that, enjoy.
Mistress Vondella
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