WHAT?! You can't leave it like that! What about Ginny and Luna and Lily and Rose? What if it's Deatheaters? What if something happens to them? What if Harry can't find them? She's been a nervous wreck all day... Her dad scared her to death this morning and then the light bulb wouldn't work so she went to unscrew it and it just turned on... I walked upstairs to her sitting in a corner laughing her head off... That's what she does when she's in shock...
But what if it's Neville? Then there's no need to panic, right? It's not Neville... I can feel it... I'm psychic... Please don't let them die! What if someone does though? What if Neville comes home while they're still there? What if- SHUT UP! Just comment on the post already!
Right... Okay... Erm... Yeah, Great post! I love how you've got three different things going on at the same time... Jamie, There is no need to panic... Your music days are just starting to kick off!
Can I start panicking again now? *nods head*
Alicia... XD
Abi... xox
__________________  I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It, Next Time You Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back, Or Break It, Break It Off... Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The Mirror |