*Imaginary Tag* Tape Master
Ludo made his way through the Dungeons to the Potions classroom. This had to be the coldest part of the castle in winter. He had his Ravenclaw scarf and cloak on as he entered the class.
He was surprised to see that the Headmaster had not yet arrived but had left instructions for them behind a potion brewing in a cauldron. The rest of the class was gathered around it, so Ludo joined them.
Looking at the faces present, he noticed the older Gryffindor girl from breakfast just this morning. "Afternoon all..." He pointed to the board. "This is a bit unusual, huh?"
He read through the instructions and looked back to the cauldron and the liquid within.
Last edited by PhoenixFlame; 02-20-2009 at 06:52 PM.