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Old 02-20-2009, 06:18 PM   #5 (permalink)
Krel Ansell

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Originally Posted by druidflower View Post
Tobi didn't jump for once at Aggie's sudden appearance, probably a good thing because it might have disturbed the potion. Besides, he rather enjoyed her company.

"Well," he mused, "Shrinking Solution is green, and it only consists of 5 ingredients; daisy roots, shrivelfig, caterpillar, rat spleen, and leech juice. It smells kinda like there could be leech in there, it's salty smelling, right? I'm not too sure, I'm coming down with a cold. I'm pretty sure there's some innards of SOMETHING in there though." Wasn't there always in Potions class?
”Is it green?” she asked still trying to see inside the cauldron. “I can’t tell at this angle with the light the way it is. And it smells a bit like boiled ham.” She sniffed Tobi. “No, wait, that’s you. What have you been rolling around in?”

She bumped into Tobi a bit more as she tried to edge up on her tippy toes more. “What does the blackboard say,” she paused, leaning over to the left to see around the big cauldron. “It’s not very helpful, is it?” she glanced at Tobi. “Think it’ll give us a hint if we ask nicely?”
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