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Sakura looked at her cousin with eyes like ice and with an emotionless voice she stated. "You wouldn't be sorry if I hadn't of gotten hurt. If I had of just continued down the stairs you wouldn't care, you wouldn't be apologizing, you probably would still be cursing my name or thinking up new ways to make me feel guilty and then tearing my world apart. Your apologies mean nothing." She turned her head away from her, looking up at Jack with eyes shining with hurt. That was what she'd never let her cousin know. That it hurt to act as if she wasn't affected by her words, that she wished she could go back to how things were. But this time she wasn't sure if she could.
"Does that mean I get more Honeydew, Sushi, Rice, Stir-fry, Panang Curry and Tarro?" She asked him slightly excited by that prospect. If it meant that she was going to get those things of course.
"You shouldn't promise her things like that. You shouldn't tell her what I'll do, especially when I wont do it." She told him, narrowing her eyes when he smiled at her cousin. She didn't like that not one bit. Especially when her cousin was so much prettier than her, and probably better at everything as well.
Jack nodded his head "Yep" he smiled "You will, in time" Jack told her "You are the prettiest person in my world, and you do everything perfectly" Jack assured her.
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Ruby stood up and placed the potion down that she had been drinking she turned to the nurse and said "thank you i am feeling better now" Ruby was still white but she smiled at the nurse she turned to Jack and said "thank you for your kind words even though i do not deserve them"
Ruby walked slowly over to Sakura and held the mirror tightly in her hand she looked at who was a very close person in her life and said "thank you for arrangeing this so that i may have contact with my grandfather while he is in St Mungo's" she lowered her head and continued "i do wish i could take back what i said but you have said some heartless things to me before Sakura"
with that Ruby left the mirror on the chair next to Sakura if she didn't want to be related to her then fine she wouldn't accept gifts either she cried as she left still feeling faint she closed the door and left.
"Everyone needs a friend, Ruby" Jack sighed as she left "See how bad she feels, I mean c'mon Sak, she's feeling so bad, I'm starting to feel depressed!" Jack told her "You have to see things from her side, she was trying to protect you in the best way she knows how" Jack told her.